It is an unusual name but a great little place. Tam O'Shanter is nestled on Tassie's North Coast right alongside Lulworth and down the road from Weymouth. There is supposedly surf sometimes, which is why we were checking it out. It was pretty flat when we were there but I can see why those in the know have shacks and holiday houses in this place. It is about 45 minutes from Launceston but it may as well be hours. I doubt many people know the place exists and that is exactly as the locals want it I reckon. There is nothing there, no shops, amenities or tourist kind of stuff, just locals dwellings of the modest and not so modest kind. Oh and there is a decent golf course, so some people are certainly in the know. Lulworth, round the corner and down the other end of the beach has a playground and a public toilet but that is it. It's the kind of place that hasn't changed much over the decades, slow and sleepy, where everyone knows everyone else and kids can disappear for the day and come back safely in time to eat. It is like so many places in Tassie, beautiful but remote and I guess the two go together, people haven't had a chance to spoil it yet.
looking at where the surf would be if the conditions were right |
Tam O'Shanter at this end of the beach and Lulworth at the far end |
my mother clambering up the path |
there is a house right out on the point, spectacular view but mighty windy at times |
the path to the beach |
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