Thursday 22 October 2015

aged care

There is a whole new world out there - it is called the aged care sector. My sisters and I are becoming very familiar with it! There are ACAT assessments, income and assets test for centrelink, forms for enduring power of attorney, home visits from organisations that provide in home care, visits to aged care facilities and that is just the beginning. There are also the usual visits to doctors, specialists and health care professionals. Our heads are spinning. Our days are full. We have filled out a multitude of forms. We have seen more aged care homes in the last week than anyone has a desire to see.

And in the midst of it all is our father; his health failing, his independence slipping away, his way of life turning upside down. There is worry, anxiety, fear and resignation and most of all grief - for what is lost and what is becoming lost and what is yet to be lost. It is bewildering and overwhelming, so much at such a vulnerable time of life. Is it any wonder then that as we all gather around a table to eat and celebrate my nephews birthday, my fathers eyes fill with tears. So much that is ending, so much that he is losing, so much that is changing, so much that is unknown. It is a difficult and sad journey that we are all undertaking...

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